By Situation Theatre 1/07/2016
He'll torture refugees, but at least he’ll be urbane about it.
Rabid leftists bang on with arguments and evidence showing why this is the worst government in our history.
They bombard you with reasons why Abbott and Turnbull have been the worst economic managers since Menzies.
They slander Malcolm’s impeccable voting record with facts about all the appalling things he’s supported.
They bore you with the government’s 85 broken promises in their first 88 weeks and prattle on about Turnbull’s 17 backflips in his first seven months as Prime Minister.
They harp on about the Liberals’ shameless propaganda.
But how often do they talk about just how tasty Malcolm Turnbull looks in a sharp suit?
I mean look at him. Yum Yum.
Vote 1 Malcolm Turnbull. He will fuck the country, but at least you’d consider fucking him.