By Situation Theatre 24/3/2020
It’s tragic to see these long lines and wonder how these dole bludgers will afford their next harbourside cocktail party.
During times of economic crisis in a profoundly sick, twisted, and depraved society, the first thing you’d see would be long lines of vulnerable people gathering outside welfare offices during a pandemic, eventually turned away thanks to their government’s 40-year assault on the social safety net.
The Coalition should be unelectable for a generation.
— Osman Faruqi (@oz_f) March 23, 2020
Not so in Australia, the lucky country where everyone gets what they deserve.
The nation’s workers, on whose backs this country is built, are safely ensconced in their homes watching “Billionaire Hunger Games”.
Meanwhile, thousands of mining, cruise, and airline execs all risk infection in the nation’s dole queues as they plead for taxpayer handouts.