By Situation Theatre 13/12/2019
This latest disastrous election result bought and paid for by billionaires makes it clear yet again who’s to blame: ordinary people and/or the concept of democracy.
Media billionaire Rupert Murdoch has today installed his latest PA, Boris Johnson, as First Oligarch of the UK, just six months after installing a religious zealot as Australia’s High Priest and three years after appointing a reality TV star as America’s Host.
Fair play to tech billionaire Mark Zuckerberg too of course, whose Facebook and Whatsapp fiefdoms enabled new microtargeted propaganda feeding tubes to be forced into the throats of millions of Britons.
While many things remain uncertain so soon after such a result, one thing is clear. Let’s not blame the billionaires for destroying our democracies and driving our societies headlong into mass extinction, nor the corrupt politicians who enable them, nor the entire rigged political system which is nothing more than the luxury playground of the elite.
Let’s instead blame the decent, humane, principled political leader who has fought for justice for ordinary people for his entire life. Failing that, let’s blame the big dummies in the electorate who will suffer most as a result of a system which lost the right to be called democratic the day Rupert Murdoch became its Supreme Overlord.