By Situation Theatre 3/4/2020
Prime Minister Scott Marxison has followed up his announcements of the doubling of Newstart, the $130bn wage subsidy, and free childcare, with the next logical step: abolition of private property.
The Federal Government’s billionaire owners in the fossil fuel industry and the Murdoch Press are furious with their once loyal employee Prime Minister after he announced he would be stripping their right to get rich off the backs of the working class.
As of Monday, Gina Rinehart, Clive Palmer, and Rupert Murdoch will be forced to hand over the reins of government to the people, as well as the means of production.
Having recently replaced his nightly psalm readings with passages from The Communist Manifesto, the PM came across Marx’s line “the theory of the Communists may be summed up in a single sentence: abolition of private property”.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve very much enjoyed slaving away for coal billionaires to bring on the rapture. But now that I’m a communist, I may as well embrace it.”