By Situation Theatre 12/12/2019
Thanks to an obedient media, a feeble opposition, and a pacified public apparently beguiled by the PM’s special talent for doing fuck all in the face of crisis, Smoko Morrison has been emboldened to say he “couldn’t give a shit” about the nation’s firefighters.
Cultural attaché for both the Murdoch Press and the Coal Industry, “Scotty from Marketing” Morrison, has used his newfound immunity from the normal consequences of being-in-the-world by telling the nation’s volunteer firefighters to “go fuck themselves”.
In response to months of pleading for more resources and support at a federal level, Mr Morrison has unilaterally decided, based on years of expertise as a flaming fuckwit, that firefighters are all morons and he and Christ have got this one covered.
Displaying the firebrand callousness for which he has become renown, the PM says of the firefighters facing hellish firestorms thanks to his criminal negligence that “sure, they’re tired, but they bloody love life-threatening flames licking at their faces. And who wouldn’t want to feel abandoned by a Prime Minister lacking not just the fundamental qualities of a political leader, but also the core competencies of a human being.”
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