By Situation Theatre 12/12/2019
For the love of life on Earth, to restore some faith in humanity, and to stick it up the jumpers of Boris, Murdoch, and the entire hateful right-wing establishment, 7.4 billion humans have begged British voters to elect Jeremy Corbyn into number 10.
99% of the world’s population has co-signed a letter to the British public overnight, pleading with them to vote Labour in the UK election. The result will either usher in five more years of Tory chaos, cuts, climate criminality, hate, and division, or be the first major victory in a rolling global left-wing revolution.
From the researchers watching the Arctic melt with terrifying speed, to the Australians suffering through their worst ever drought, bushfire, smoke, and Prime Ministerial crises, to the inahabitants of the world’s low lying Pacific Islands and coastal areas, to the victims of Venice’s historic floods, Earth’s inhabitants have banded together to urge the British to at least begin to make up for centuries of coal-burning, imperialism, and genocide, by doing something good for a change.
“Dear Britain,
We need not remind you that you made a bit of a boo-boo with Brexit in 2016, only compounding your much greater boo-boo of the past two centuries, in which you kicked off all this mass extinction business with your industrial revolution and then plundered the entire world to enrich your ruling classes. If you could do us a favour and turf these bastards out so you can usher in a Global Green Industrial Revolution, that’d be swell.
The World.”
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