By Situation Theatre 26/10/2019. Updated 13/7/2020 and 16/4/2021.
Like American Psycho Patrick Bateman using his charms to disguise his essence as a deranged killer, the Prime Minister uses hi-vis to cover up his war on the working class.
Scott Morrison has found a brief moment in his busy schedule of botching the vaccine roll-out, covering up sexual violence, ignoring black deaths in custody, fueling climate breakdown, blocking a Federal ICAC, attacking unions, crashing the economy, increasing inequality, driving up poverty and demonising the nation’s most vulnerable to put on a hat and prove beyond reasonable doubt that he’s just one of the boys.
Where a decent human being might die of shame or implode when they reach the PM’s record-breaking levels of staggering hypocrisy, Mr Morrison seems to think Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was one of the Gospels.
Thankfully, the nation’s media hold this manipulative fraud’s feet to the fire by defending your right to know the PM can do a half-arsed squat.