By Situation Theatre 12/11/2019
Before Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison, you used to have to make stuff up.
Back in the good old days before Abbott, Trump, Morrison, Joyce and the News Corportisation of all media ruined everything, satirists would read the day’s news headlines, exaggerate them, invent a few quotes, and voila, Bob’s your satire.
Sometimes they would even have to use their imagination.
Now that Australian Prime Ministers knight English princes, eat onions, and think they can douse bushfires with their thoughts and prayers, it’s more a matter of literally describing the news as accurately as possible.
Instead of creating fictional quotes, the job of the satirist is now merely to translate the Newspeak of our politicians to get to the truth of what they actually mean.
With at least two and a half more year years of rule by a man whose entire act is a sick and twisted joke, don’t expect this to change anytime soon.