By Situation Theatre 25/9/2019
Can’t we just sack him again already?
In July 2006, Scott Morrison was so bad at his job as head of Australia’s peak tourism body that he was sacked by someone from his own team - the Liberal Minister for Tourism.
An auditor-general’s report from 2008 had a damning assessment of Morrison’s handling of contracts worth $184 million.
According to Karen Middleton at the Saturday Paper,
The audit report revealed that information had been kept from the board, procurement guidelines breached and private companies engaged before paperwork was signed and without appropriate value-for-money assessments.
And so, in a shocking twist that would make the Sixth Sense blush, Morrison has taken his unique brand of sackable deception to the world stage, alienating most of the world with his greenwash denialism.
According to The Guardian, Bill Hare, the chief executive and senior scientist of Climate Analytics and a longtime adviser to countries at climate talks, said “Diplomatic officials from countries that I speak with see Australia as a denialist government. “It’s just accepted that’s what it is. It is seen as doing its own promotion of coal and natural gas against the science.”
Fortunately for the master marketer, now that Donald Trump is being threatened with impeachment, he can effectively console his new best friend with advice on what it’s like to be fired.