By Situation Theatre 9/12/2019
They have also promised to keep Australians safe by arming firefighters with flamethrowers.
Master of the Universe Scott Morrison and Supreme Overlord Peter Dutton have reassured a despairing nation, terrified by the scale of the current bushfire emergency and petrified by worse to come, announcing that they will be arming police with assault rifles and firefighters with flamethrowers so they can really show the fires who’s boss.
“I’m making this announcement today as a response to the 100 bushfires burning across NSW. The most important job of any government is to keep Australians safe, and what better way to do that than ignore all advice from every expert in the country and instead deploy specialist squads of police to massacre the fires”, Mr Morrison said.
The PM added “We all remember when Donald Trump suggested nuking hurricanes. Well we thought, spot on Don, that’s exactly what our beleaguered fire crews are lacking: not a rational approach to the climate emergency, nor actual funding or resources to douse the flames, but real firepower.”