By Situation Theatre 20/3/2020
People are panic buying Lee Kernaghan’s 2015 classic “Spirit of the Anzac” as fights break out between strangers due to the abject failures of the ruling class.
It is in the face of adversity that legends are born and the ANZAC legend was no exception. Our best qualities come forth when confronted with difficulties that we must overcome. Like precious stones that are formed under pressure, character is forged in the furnace of affliction.
When the ruling class forces the working class into imperial wars, or when they fail to show even a morsel of leadership during a public health crisis which results in insane panic buying, our boys grow to be men, and not only adults but men of character.
And so it is that the Anzac values of courage, mateship, perseverance, and sacrifice that have forged our national identity have been on full display over the course the 2020 Battle of the Bogroll, as complete strangers become enemies in a futile war masterminded by the rich.